West Borneo Blogger - Graphics User Interface (GUI) or Interface in the world of programming is absolutely necessary when building an application, especially in the appearance. Interface is used by the user (user) to feel the ease and convenience when interacting on the application made, this is called the "User Experience".
A good User Experience allows the user to experience a great experience when using an application created without any loss of focus on objects in the application form.
In designing the look of the application, the first thing to do is to design the application mockup by using the help of special software such as Balsemiq Mockup 3 and etc.
If less familiar, the author recommends readers to use other graphic design applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel or Microsoft Paint.
If the reader is a person who often updates about the design world, whether the reader is familiar with the term "Flat Design"? Yes, the design is booming at the launch of Microsoft Windows 10. This design is very distinctive, simple and elegant to be a modern design mecca today. This is supported by the rise of designers to competitors who adopted this design as User Interface Application.
Design Modern User Interface Delphi 7, Beautiful, Cool and Attractive
Also read: Windows 10 gets the best interface design award
According to the topic of discussion in this article, the author will share some knowledge about the example of Delphi 7 Application Special Interface Design 7. Before going deeper, you should read Delphi 7 or at least install and open this application.
A little explanation of Delphi 7, Delphi is a Windows-based programming language that provides visual application creation facilities such as Visual Basic. Delphi makes it easy to use program code, fast compilation, multiple unit file use for modular programming, software development, attractive design patterns and reinforced structured programming languages in Object Pascal programming language. Delphi has a special look that supports a Delphi component scope of work to build an application using Visual Component Library (VCL). Most Delphi developers write and compile program code in the IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
With the various advantages listed above, it turns out there is a weakness that is on the program display. The classic view of the program makes it worth a minus if viewed from the side of the GUI, although it is still relative, meaning not all have that view.
The reader can see as shown below. The classic look makes things boring (sorry) when in view.
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Design Modern User Interface Delphi 7, Beautiful, Cool and Attractive |
How can a display like this can be published, used as Final Project or made Thesis?
For that, as shown in the blog Tekno Borneo that there are examples of design that can be used as a reference in building application programs in Delphi 7. Authors can create a GUI with a little plagiarism and modification by mimicking the appearance of applications that have been worldwide, such as Google products, Microsoft, Avast and others.
Here are three design models from blogs that use more modern display principles:
1. Opening Form or Splash Screen ala Microsoft Office
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Design Modern User Interface Delphi 7, Beautiful, Cool and Attractive |
Is the opening form as when you first run Microsoft Office 2016. Bubuhi short information in it such as the application name and Copyright applications.
2. Login form with Instagram background design.
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Design Modern User Interface Delphi 7, Beautiful, Cool and Attractive |
Delphi 7 form can also be made in graded color. Certainly using coding / instead of using images.
3. Form Menu with Metro UI design ala Windows 10
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Design Modern User Interface Delphi 7, Beautiful, Cool and Attractive |
Interactive and dynamic designs can be utilized in building applications. By utilizing the empty space during the transition process on the UI Metro boxes, so the placement of other information such as images and text can be put to the maximum (not impressed slum).
4. Home Form with Modern design UI ala Android
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Design Modern User Interface Delphi 7, Beautiful, Cool and Attractive |
A little plagiarization and modification of the Google Keep GUI and Telegram Apps, making the new look more elegant.
Those are three examples of Interface designs that are expected to spoil the user when using the created application. Not only indulge but also get a plus from the User Experience side.
This article is not intended to judge, menjudge or maybe cut and lower the spirit of the reader in creating, because back again to the law of aesthetics, that the good appearance is relative. This means that some people say this is good but some people think this is bad. But be assured that the development of technology is always directly proportional to the development of the times, in other words if the classical has had a place in his time, then we as users who still play the classic objects in the current generation, can conjure it into something extraordinary or maybe more Good from what appears in the present generation.
Blog West Borneo Blogger does not provide readers to get projects like the picture above, but the author will guide the dear reader to make things (relatively) the same as above by posting related matters in the next article.
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Referensi :
Design Modern User Interface Delphi 7, Beautiful, Cool and Attractive
Rangga Saputra
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